Job Opening: Summer Intern

Job Opening: Summer Intern
What: Level 1 is looking for a summer intern to assist with post production. Are you a hard working, detail-oriented, self starter, great communicator, passionate about filmmaking, outdoor sports, and looking for some hands-on experience joining our team for a few months of post production internship experiences? You’ll be working on cataloguing, organizing, and sorting content, creating rough cuts, and getting your hands dirty with other relevant post production tasks as well as helping out with normal day to day activities around the office. Competency with Adobe Premiere and related applications and workflow is a must. The internship is unpaid, though you’ll be provided an invaluable learning experience in a professional production environment, as well as be provided with some swag, gear, and potential for future opportunities.

When: Mid June through August. Interns are expected to be on site approximately 40 hours per week, Monday through Friday though hours and scheduling are flexible.

Where: Our offices are located in Denver, Colorado, in the Santa Fe arts district.

How: Send a cover letter and resume to jobs(at) asap!

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